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I specialize in UX/UI design, illustration, and enjoy VR experience development. I am currently on the lookout for full-time employment opportunities.


I am a graduate of California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo. I majored in Computer Science, and earned a minor in Computation in Interactive Arts. Currently, I am growing as a visual designer at City College of San Francisco.


I am passionate about learning how users' attitudes and motives can impact their decisions. These responses indicate which products best suit their needs. I appreciate opportunities to think critically and creatively in an effort to come up with meaningful solutions. My interests in both computer science and art have led me to design projects that truly empathize with users.


With an eagerness to share my ideas and utilize the latest technologies, I aim to use my education and background to create functional and engaging user experience. As a designer, I constantly want to design experiences that cater to positive and impactful user interactions.


In my spare time, I enjoy playing board games with friends, playing and creating video games, baking and working on art projects. Feel free to ask me about what is my favorite thing to bake!

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